
大根と鶏肉のヨーグルトカレー | Daikon Radish, Chicken and Yogurt Curry

カレーに入れるスパイス | Spices for the curry

出来上がったカレーとラッシー | Curry ready to eat and yogurt lassi



A friend who I used to live with came over for lunch. She's now married now but she and her husband keep their freedom and independence in a good way. She's the kind of person who can express herself really well. About what's going on around her and the way she feels.

When we used to live together, we actually didn't used to eat together that much because we worked different hours but we used to eat whatever we cooked and was in the fridge. It was always pleasant to find something new in the fridge and to see that she'd eaten what I'd cooked as well.