
屋久島宮之浦岳(2日目) | Mt. Miyanoura (Day 2)

宮之浦岳 (Mt. Miyanoura)



永田岳からは 永田のいなか浜までよく見える。そこからは、天気は下り坂で、宮之浦岳の頂上に着いたころは、雲の中。淀川小屋に着いたころは、雨も強く降っていた。淀川小屋では雨もひどかったので、テントではなく小屋で寝ることに。途中の花之江河も奇麗な感じだったので、また行く機会があったらそこでももう少し時間をとってもいいなー。

Shin-takatsuka hut - Mt. Nagata - Mt. Miyanoura - Yodogawa hut

On the second day, we set off around 5am. Most of the other hikers had left by then. We had another sunny morning and got some magnificent views. We heard from some hikers that we met on the way that the view from Mt. Nagata is beautiful so we decided to take a short detour and I'm glad we did. You could see down to Nagata beach where the sea turtles come and lay eggs.

That was the last bit of sun we got that day. As we made our way to Mt. Miyanoura, thick clouds started rolling in and by the time we got to Yodogawa hut it was pouring. There is a beautiful marshland on the way, Hananoe. I wouldn't mind going back there and spending some time exploring that area.