
明神山登山 | Climbing Mt. Myoujin

明神山登山コース | Mt. Myoujin route map

アセビ  | Japanese andromeda

鬼岩 | Oniiwa


乳岩峡登山・・・乳岩・・・鬼岩・・・一服の岩・・・馬ノ背 ・・・明神山山頂・・・中道 ・・・鬼岩乗越 ・・・鬼岩・・・乳岩峡登山口


I went on a hike to Mt. Myoujin at the end of the month. Apparently Oniiwa is a popular spot for climbers. There were a few groups of  climbers despite it being a weekday afternoon. I really enjoyed the hike. The route is varied with some interesting spots on the way. I spotted some flowers such as camellias, Japanese andromeda, Magnolia and Yuriwasabi.