

養老山山頂|Mt. Yoro

休業中のリフトの看板|Sign for a lift that is currently out of service





11時に出発して到着は16時結構かかったなー。次登るときは、養老の滝から 三方山、小倉山まで行って帰りも三方山から下りてくるコースがいいと思う。


 Last weekend, I went on hike to Mt. Yoro with two friends. Yoro Waterfall is about a 50 minute walk from Yoro station but luckily we got a lift from one of our friends this time. We parked the car at the entrance to Yoro Park. There were quite a few people walking up to the waterfall. It has been famously painted by Hokusai.

There weren't many people hiking further up from the fall. It was a steady uphill  to Mt. Sanpo then onto Mt. Ogura. We had lunch at Mt. Sanpo but actually there was a better spot at Mt. Ogura with a bigger open area and better views. Just before the last climb up to Mt. Ogura we were able to enjoy the views of Lake Biwa on one side and Nobi Plain on the other.

It was another 15 minutes hike to Mt. Yoro. Mt. Yoro itself was a bit of a disappointment with no views at all. So we headed back quickly down to Mt. Ogura and we took a different path from there to Asebidaira and took the Old Path down. This brought us off the footpath onto the road fairly quickly. But the walk from there felt quite long. Apparently there was another footpath that would have led us down to a shrine but we missed it so we walked down the road all the way back to the fall.

It was a nice leisurely walk but would probably skip Mt. Yoro and just go up to Mt. Ogura and climb down the same way via Mt. Sanpo.