
ひよこ豆手作り味噌 | Making chickpea miso

ひよこ豆味噌 | Chickpea miso

ひよこ豆 200g
米麹 200g
玄米麹 200g
塩 120g
ひよこ豆煮汁 100ml

Two months ago, I prepared some chickpea miso, so I took a little peak. It's looking slightly darker now. Last year I made some too but there were some bits of chickpeas left in the miso so this time, I used an electric mixer and made sure that it was a smooth paste. I also found some brown rice koji online so used some of that too. Cooking the chickpeas take a bit of time but the rest is pretty simple and takes about an hour to prepare. After the paste is ready, just put it in a container and leave it until it's ready. Looking forward to having homemade miso in several months.

chickpeas 200g
rice koji 200g
brown rice koji 200g
salt 120g
water from boiling the chickpeas 100ml