

庭のオクラ|Okra in the garden

It's the second year I've grown okras. I like growing them because the flowers are so pretty and I like how the fruits grow. Last year I only had one plant that survived so just got to harvest one at a time. This year I have a few plants growing so I can harvest a few fruits at a time. Better for cooking. Must watch out for them every few days because they grow pretty fast and overgrown okras are hard not as tasty in my opinion. 


えびの高原|Ebino Kogen

韓国岳から|From Mt. Karakuni



Last month, I spent five days at Ebino Kogen. I stayed at the campsite just at the foot of Mt. Karakuni. It's quite a big campsite but during the week it was pretty empty so I got to know the friendly guys who work there well.

Since I had a lot of time, I went on Ikemeguri trail twice, which takes you on an easy 2 hour walk around the lakes. Hiked up Mt. Karakuni twice and to went to  Mt. Koshiki and Mt. Takachiho-no-mine.

I got the best views from Mt. Karakuni. Ikemeguri trail was also a relaxing leisurely walk.  Climbing Mt. Takachiho-no-mine with all the little rocks that are hard to climb up and scary to climb down reminded me of the time I went up Mt. Fuji, which was not enjoyable to be honest. Which kind of confirms that I'm not that into serious hikes but just like spending time out in the wild.


みょうがの甘酢漬け|Pickled Myoga Ginger

みょうがの甘酢漬け|Pickled Myoga Ginger

I made some pickled myoga. Myoga is a kind of ginger and it goes well with cold noodles in summer. Once pickled with some vinegar and some sugar, it turns into a beautiful colour and it's good to eat on its own. 


天狗棚 井山展望|Tengudana, Iyama

天狗棚展望台|Tengudana viewpoint


井山展望台|Iyama viewpoint





Last weekend some friends and I went to Inabu, which is a town that is now part of Toyota city. We left Nagoya around eight in the morning and went on a pleasant walk up Tengudana. We were lucky with the weather and got some clear views. We had lunch at Iyama but it was so windy that some of my lunch flew off my chopsticks! We ended up taking a short nap staying close to the ground to avoid the strong winds. Along the path up to Iyama viewpoint, there was a lot of wild raspberries so we had some for starters and for dessert. 


屋久島宮之浦岳(3日目) | Mt. Miyanoura (Day 3)

バス停までの道 (Walking to the next bus stop)





Yodogawa hut - Kigensugi - Yakusugi Land

Third day of the hike would have been an easy hike to the bus stop. It would have just taken us 2 hours at the most if it wasn't for the torrential rain. The plan was to catch the earlier one of the two buses that goes from Kigen-sugi to Anbo.

After a whole night of heavy rain, we woke up to more rain and we were glad that we slept in the hut as the camping ground was flooded. We set off around 7.30 which gave us more than enough time to get to the bus stop in time. We walked to Yodogawa trailhead which was basically like walking in a stream after all the rain. We continued our walk to the bus stop with more than an hour to kill in the rain. We checked out Kigen-sugi and made some tea waiting for the bus.

Finally it was the bus time. But twenty minutes passed with no sign of the bus. With no phone reception and no radio reception, we had no choice but to continue our hike down to the next stop to Yakusugi Land, which was another 2 hour hike. There, we found out that the road was closed because of the heavy rain but the second bus of the day was still scheduled to come to Yakusugi Land, so we decided to wait for the second bus just after three.

About an hour before the bus time, one of the staff came and told us that the second bus was cancelled but there was another bus we could catch down at the next stop. A few minutes into another walk down to the bus stop, a car stopped for us. It turned out to be a couple that we met at Yodogawa hut in the morning when they were on their way up to Mt. Miyanoura. The whole time we were trying to get to Anbo, they had gone up Mt. Miyanoura and back. 


屋久島宮之浦岳(2日目) | Mt. Miyanoura (Day 2)

宮之浦岳 (Mt. Miyanoura)



永田岳からは 永田のいなか浜までよく見える。そこからは、天気は下り坂で、宮之浦岳の頂上に着いたころは、雲の中。淀川小屋に着いたころは、雨も強く降っていた。淀川小屋では雨もひどかったので、テントではなく小屋で寝ることに。途中の花之江河も奇麗な感じだったので、また行く機会があったらそこでももう少し時間をとってもいいなー。

Shin-takatsuka hut - Mt. Nagata - Mt. Miyanoura - Yodogawa hut

On the second day, we set off around 5am. Most of the other hikers had left by then. We had another sunny morning and got some magnificent views. We heard from some hikers that we met on the way that the view from Mt. Nagata is beautiful so we decided to take a short detour and I'm glad we did. You could see down to Nagata beach where the sea turtles come and lay eggs.

That was the last bit of sun we got that day. As we made our way to Mt. Miyanoura, thick clouds started rolling in and by the time we got to Yodogawa hut it was pouring. There is a beautiful marshland on the way, Hananoe. I wouldn't mind going back there and spending some time exploring that area. 


屋久島宮之浦岳(1日目) | Mt. Miyanoura (Day 1)

縄文杉 (Jomon-sugi)






Shiratani Unsuikyo - Jomon-sugi - Shin-takatsuka Hut

A friend and I went to Yakushima to go hiking up Mt. Miyanoura last month. It was a day after the typhoon had passed so we were lucky to have clear skies. We caught the bus from Miyanoura to Shiratani Unsuikyo. It's a thirty minute bus ride from the town and gets us there at around nine o'clock.

It's a pleasant hike from Shiratani Unsuikyo to Tsujitoge. Going through the moss forests. At Tsuji toge, we went up to Taiko Iwa where we got a magnificent view. After that we got to the railroad tracks which goes on forever. Apparently there is a shortcut going over the hill instead of following the rail tracks all around.

After a mini break at Wilson stump and a long hike uphill, we got to Jomon-sugi. There were quite a lot of people on the trail even though it was a weekday after Golden Week holidays. So I would avoid weekends and holidays as much as possible. Old Takatsuka hut just by Jomon-sugi has now actually been rebuilt so it is newer than Shin-takatsuka hut.

We got to Shin-takatsuka around four thirty and camped there to make the second day of our hike more manageable. 


つるなしインゲン豆 | Haricot Verts

10 days since I sowed haricot vert seeds. Looking good so far. 


自然農法家庭菜園 | Natural Farming Method



  自然農・栽培の手引き 鏡山悦子 (著, イラスト), 川口由一 (監修)

I've been growing some vegetables at home using natural farming method. It's a way of growing vegetables without ploughing, pesticides or fertilizer. At first I wasn't sure if the vegetables would grow but things that have grown have grown well. Not having to stress about weeding and getting rid of insects have made it a more peaceful experience.

And one part of the natural farming method is to harvest the seeds. Growing vegetables from the seeds harvested from the land helps grow vegetables that are more adjusted to the land.  I get to enjoy the flowers that I normally wouldn't have enjoyed or seen because I would have harvested the vegetable before it flowered. 


ガーデニングハーブ ディル | Dill Herb

ハーブの花 ディル


Dill in my garden has just finished flowering. I got some seeds from the dill flowers last year and this year planted it in a sunnier spot. It did much better there and grew quite tall to about 1m high. It's such a beautiful plant with delicate leaves and structural flowers. It goes really well with salads and the seeds can be used for pickles too. 


オレガノの花 | Oregano flowers

ハーブの花 オレガノ


I got a pot of oregano from a friend last year and planted it in the garden. It's grown quite big these last few months and now it has some beautiful pink flowers on it. I got some in the kitchen too to enjoy them while cooking and doing the dishes. 



アルパインダウンハガー800 #3とドイターフューチュラ30SL


登山用シュラフ少し調て、値段と重さと比べて友達が持ってたモンベルのシュラフがやっぱり一番かと思って アルパイン ダウンハガー800 #3 を購入。もっとお手頃の化繊綿の バロウバッグ #3 にしようか少し迷ったけど、重さがダウンのは573gで化繊綿のは1,085g。ダウンの方が軽いしかなりコンパクト。手入れもダウン用の洗剤を使えば大丈夫みたい。今のところ、使った後干すだけで洗ったことないけど。


なれるまで、スタッフバックにしまうのがちょっと大変だったけど、2泊3日のテント泊で30Lのバックパックで収まった。登山でけじゃなくて、軽いから長期のバックパッカー旅行にも持って行けて便利。 モンベル(mont-bell)のシュラフ はコンパクトでおすすめです!


ぺちゃんこになったモンベルのシュラフを洗濯することに。お風呂にぬるま湯をはって ReviveX(リバイベックス) ダウンクリーナーを使って洗濯。
正直、寝袋をすすいで、脱水するのは結構大変。バスタオルで水分を取ったあと乾燥機で乾燥させるとのこと。洗ってる時少し羽が出てきた。一応家にある洗濯機に乾燥機の機能があるのでそれを使った。でもこれが時間かかった。次はちゃんとコインランドリーに持って行こうと思う。大変だったけど結果はふかふかになって、よかった! ユニクロのダウンジャケットも洗った。ダウンジャケットは寝袋に比べて簡単に洗えた♪ (2016.3.23)


はじめての登山用テント ダンロップ VS10


去年の今頃新しいテントを買った のだけど、テントを持って、他にも山泊に必要な装備を持って山登りできるか買う前は心配だった。だけど登山用テントは軽いのね。1.5キロ位のを買ったのだけど、2泊の登山も大丈夫だった。




DUNLOP(ダンロップテント) 1人用コンパクト登山テント VS10 1.45kg
プロモンテ(PUROMONTE) ライトウエイト・アルパインテント(1人用) VL15  1.35kg
モンベル(mont-bell) テント ステラリッジテント 1型 1122475-SUYL  1.26kg

ダンロップ < モンベル < プロモンテ

モンベル < プロモンテ < ダンロップ

ダンロップ=プロモンテ < モンベル



色の他にモンベルとダンロップテントの大きな違いは、モンベルのテントはドームテントで縦入り口。 ダンロップのテント はつ吊り下げ式で、横入口。





にんにくを育てた | Growing garlic


I planted some garlic cloves last summer and just harvested them last week. They are the easiest things to grow! Just plant them in September and cut the flower shoots in spring. Harvest them when it starts to dry. Save some cloves to plant for the next year.



I made it to Yakushima this month. I actually wasn't really thinking of going there until a friend suggested going on a hike there. It was a place that looked nice on photos. Somewhere that maybe I'd visit one day. But we started planning and it turned out that it's pretty accessible and not that expensive to get to either. And the island is much bigger than I had imagined with many things to do and see.

What I liked about the island is that there are so many hikes you can go on. With high mountains and rivers and you are never far from the sea either. I imagine it could get a bit too crowded on the popular hikes during the holiday season but there are many others where you could stay away from it all.

My favourite part was of course wild swimming!