
屋久島宮之浦岳(3日目) | Mt. Miyanoura (Day 3)

バス停までの道 (Walking to the next bus stop)





Yodogawa hut - Kigensugi - Yakusugi Land

Third day of the hike would have been an easy hike to the bus stop. It would have just taken us 2 hours at the most if it wasn't for the torrential rain. The plan was to catch the earlier one of the two buses that goes from Kigen-sugi to Anbo.

After a whole night of heavy rain, we woke up to more rain and we were glad that we slept in the hut as the camping ground was flooded. We set off around 7.30 which gave us more than enough time to get to the bus stop in time. We walked to Yodogawa trailhead which was basically like walking in a stream after all the rain. We continued our walk to the bus stop with more than an hour to kill in the rain. We checked out Kigen-sugi and made some tea waiting for the bus.

Finally it was the bus time. But twenty minutes passed with no sign of the bus. With no phone reception and no radio reception, we had no choice but to continue our hike down to the next stop to Yakusugi Land, which was another 2 hour hike. There, we found out that the road was closed because of the heavy rain but the second bus of the day was still scheduled to come to Yakusugi Land, so we decided to wait for the second bus just after three.

About an hour before the bus time, one of the staff came and told us that the second bus was cancelled but there was another bus we could catch down at the next stop. A few minutes into another walk down to the bus stop, a car stopped for us. It turned out to be a couple that we met at Yodogawa hut in the morning when they were on their way up to Mt. Miyanoura. The whole time we were trying to get to Anbo, they had gone up Mt. Miyanoura and back.