
屋久島宮之浦岳(1日目) | Mt. Miyanoura (Day 1)

縄文杉 (Jomon-sugi)






Shiratani Unsuikyo - Jomon-sugi - Shin-takatsuka Hut

A friend and I went to Yakushima to go hiking up Mt. Miyanoura last month. It was a day after the typhoon had passed so we were lucky to have clear skies. We caught the bus from Miyanoura to Shiratani Unsuikyo. It's a thirty minute bus ride from the town and gets us there at around nine o'clock.

It's a pleasant hike from Shiratani Unsuikyo to Tsujitoge. Going through the moss forests. At Tsuji toge, we went up to Taiko Iwa where we got a magnificent view. After that we got to the railroad tracks which goes on forever. Apparently there is a shortcut going over the hill instead of following the rail tracks all around.

After a mini break at Wilson stump and a long hike uphill, we got to Jomon-sugi. There were quite a lot of people on the trail even though it was a weekday after Golden Week holidays. So I would avoid weekends and holidays as much as possible. Old Takatsuka hut just by Jomon-sugi has now actually been rebuilt so it is newer than Shin-takatsuka hut.

We got to Shin-takatsuka around four thirty and camped there to make the second day of our hike more manageable.