
手作り焼きプリン | Creme Caramel

はじめてでも かんたん&おいしい!手作りお菓子をみて作ったけどちょっと甘過ぎた。キャラメルはもう少し焦がせた方がよかったかな。


I made creme caramel as it is feeling more and more like the season for cold desserts. It turned out a bit too sweet for my taste. Perhaps I should have left the caramel to cook a bit longer for some bitterness.

All you need is eggs, sugar, milk and vanilla pods. 


にんじんときゅうりのピクルス | Carrot and Cucumber Pickles


今回はいますぐ使える 常備菜の献立帖 を参考に作った。同じ本のゆで卵とセロリのサラダもおいしい ♪

It's getting hotter now and these days I feel more like eating colder foods. Today I made some picked carrots and cucumbers. Boil some water, vinegar, sugar and some salt with some spices and pour it over the cut vegetables. I like to add some pieces of lemon for freshness. 


パウンドケーキとマーブルクッキー | Baking Pound Cake and Marble Cookies



どっちも基本のお菓子 おいしくできる段取りとコツのレシピ。実際作りながら見るととても分かりやすくデザインされてるとおもいました。

Now that I'm really into cooking, I thought I'll try out some baking as well. The the marble pattern turned out something more like a cow pattern but tasted good. I liked the pound cake recipe too. Really moist and easy to make. I was expecting it to be more like a lemon drizzle cake though.


ブルーベリーとさやえんどうの実 | Blueberries and Snow Peas


Starting to look more like blueberries now. Not quite blue yet but slowly growing fatter. Hopefully the birds won't eat them all before I do. 


Saving the seeds again to sow in the autumn. 


はじめてのストウブ鍋 | My first Staub Cocotte

最近料理がすごく楽しくて、色々ほしくなって、staub ココット ラウンド 20cmを買ってしまった。サイズは普段使ってる鍋より少し小さめだけど、カレーは4皿分くらいできる。カレーやスープは多めに作って次の日とかにもとっておきたいから、現実的には1人か2人用かと思う。

ルクルーゼとストウブ で迷ったけど、ルクルーゼは吹きこぼれると友人が言っていたのでストウブにしてよかったかな。ルクルーゼの方が見かけは可愛いけど、、、ストウブは実用的な感じ。このサイズだとそんなに重さも気になりません。


I've really gotten into cooking these days. It's so satisfying following the recipe step by step and turns out into a delicious meal at the end. I don't know why I didn't get into it before but I guess I just saw it more as a chore.

As a a result, I've been shopping for some cooking items. One of them is this Staub cocotte. It was quite expensive but I'm hoping to cook with it and enjoy the meals for some time. 


がんだて公園 | Gandate Park

巌立峡 | Gandate Gorge

あかがねとよ | Akaganetoyo





I went on a pleasant hike with four friends. We went to a place called Gandate Park in Gero. There is a magnificent volcanic rock formation from about 5,400 years ago, when Mt. Ontake erupted. There is an easy circular route that takes about 2 hours. On the way back we went to a hot spring in Gero, which was a great way to end the day. 


月と農業 3 | Moon Planting 3

芽がでてきた | Some seeds sprouting



In the third quarter, from full moon to last quarter moon, we are meant to sow bulbs, root crops and perennials, such as onions, potatoes and berries. I sowed some carrots seeds which I've attempted a few times but have failed. But homegrown carrots are so tasty, I'm trying them again this year. I also planted strawberries. It's the first time growing them on this plot.