
採りたてのきゅうり | Freshly Picked Cucumber


Result finally!


小さなきゅうり | Baby Cucumber


I tried growing cucumbers and never really succeeded the last few years and this year, I got a bag of new seeds and at first it wasn't looking so good after all the leaves were eaten away buy some insects. But it looks like I will get something to harvest this year :)


モビールを作った | New Mobile


I made a mobile for my sister's birthday a few years ago and she mentioned that she'd like a new one so I made a new one for her birthday. She was saying how she liked the strange creature that was on the first one I gave her, so I made some little creatures. I had to keep adding little pieces to balance it out but I'm happy with the result. My sister seemed pleased too. 


めんぱお弁当箱|Menpa Lunch Box


My sister recommended me magewappa lunch box. It's a kind of lunch box made from curving wood. I got this one from Miyazaki prefecture and the rice tastes so much better. Apparently, the breathable quality of the material allows the food to stay fresh. Yum yum. 


ヨーグルトチーズケーキ|Yogurt Cheesecake


Yogurt cheesecake and kiwi sauce I made from Shiho Nakashima's recipe. Her recipes are really simple and easy to make. I love the taste too. It's somehow calming rather than the sugar rush from other sweets. 


ジンジャービスケット | Ginger Biscuit

なかしまみほの、初めてでも失敗しない51のレシピ まいにちおやつ に載ってるジンジャークッキー焼いた。バターの代わりに太白ごま油を使う。両手でちょこちょこっと混ぜるだけでとっても簡単。おいしくできたー!これなら、ちょっとクッキー食べたいときにパッととつくれる。

Made some ginger biscuits. Just mix flour, a bit of sugar, ginger, honey and sesame oil with both hands, cut them in shape and bake for 20 minutes. Tastes quite different from shop bought biscuits, but in a good way :)  They are super easy to make, I wouldn't mind baking them every week. 


きゅうりとキウイ漬け | Cucumber and Kiwi Pickle

ホークスみよしの 野菜をおいしく アイデア漬けものに載ってた、きゅうりとキウイ漬けを作った。めずらしい組み合わせだけど甘しょっぱくておいしい ♪

Kiwi and cucumber pickle I made. It's an unusual combination but tastes so good! Definitely a dish to make again in summer.